College of Youth Activism and Development
Youth Engagement and Gender Empowerment Program
1. CYAAD and Program overview
College of Youth Activism and Development (CYAAD) is a Pakistan-based non-profit, organization, established in 2009. CYAAD strives for the development of young people to cultivate the potential of youth through diversified engagement that they become effective leaders and citizens.
CYAAD in collaboration with Oxfam Novib has launched an exciting program named “ Youth Engagement and Gender Empowerment Program” in Quetta and Loralai. The main objective of the program is to foster an enabling environment for effective citizenship and responsive governance where young people have the rights to advocate for the Life Skills Based Education, increase awareness on prevention, referral and rehabilitation of victim of child marriages, raise voices for HIV/AIDS and STIs prevention.
2. Benefits in YEGE:
• Engaged with CYAAD, to get the training’s, knowledge, resources and tools
• Participate in TOT that will be facilitated by CYAAD
• Exchange ideas and resources with other program targeted areas
• Initiate and lead the seminars, awareness raising sessions and advocacy campaigns within respective communities and educational institutes
• Build linkages with concern government, Community influential, CSOs and other relevant organization for sustainability of the project
• Certificates will be awarded to the youth at the end of the program
3. Facilitators are expected to
• Actively engage in YEGE program for 10-12 Months
• Lead the dialogues, seminars and advocacy campaigns in their respective community and beyond
• Initiate and launch Social Action Projects in communities and beyond
• Cascade the sessions with their peers on Life skills based education, early marriages, HIV/Aids and STIs prevention
• Participate in hands-on opportunities
4. Criteria to be the Part of YEGE:-
• Ready for self and community development
• Committed to engage in the program
• Openness to work with diverse group of young people
• Age bracket [18-29]
• Committed to work within their localities for better change
5. How to be the part of YEGE:-
it’s easy, fill and submit you application form by visiting the following link last date to submit your application is 06th July, 2015 and only successful participants will be contacted accordingly.
For further details please contact
Mr. Jan Mohammad
Cell: 03008385312, 03013448423
Email: for Quetta
Mr. Inayat Jalalzai
Cell: 03337862920
Email: for Loralai